A box involving encrypted archives, source code analysis and much more.
Room Link: By @fieldraccoon
Lets get Started…
1. Nmap
So first start with a simple nmap scan to know what ports are open and what services are running on Target_Machine.
$ sudo nmap -T4 -sC -sS -A <machine_ip> >> nmap.out
So ports 22 & 80 are open. Lets visit the webpage on port 80 and it was just a default Apache2 webpage. Didn’t give out much.
2. Gobuster
So lest brute force possible directories on webserver publicly accessible
$ sudo gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-small.txt -o dir.out
We got /admin and /etc directory lets explore them and > Boom!! we have something interesting,A Password hash, Save it for later use
Further more poking found a public archive.tar file.
3. Password Cracking
So we found a hash before lets crack it. John the Ripper is a great tool for it.
$ john --fork=4 --wordlist=/usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt hash.txt
4. Research
Now lets take a look at archive.tar file, extract it with tar
$ tar -xf archive
Exploring the extracted files revealed a Readme file.
After a little research I found about borg, what it is and how it is used. So as its borg archive unpack it using borg to a directory unziped.
$ borg mount home/field/dev/final_archive unziped
It seems it requires a password, lets try enter the one we found earlier, And dig for something useful. There we have it a username and password. Lets ssh in target machine.
5. Gaining Access
ssh into target with the username and password found and there we have it our user flag.
6. Privilege Escalation
Check if alex user is in sudoers list
$ sudo -l
Seems like there is nopasswd sudo access on file. Lets exploit it.
7. Source Code Analysis
Lets read whats happening in
And script has a small chunk of code which seems to take input with a flag c and echo it, basically it can run bash commands.
With that Cyborg is rooted.